Animation Studios
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Since its inception in 1990, Nickelodeon Animation Studio has been a driving force in shaping the childhood memories of American children. From timeless gems like Rugrats (1991-2004) to a legacy of captivating creations, the studio has consistently delivered imaginative and unforgettable experiences that transcend generations.
Established in 2011, MAPPA Animation Studio has emerged as a prominent force in the anime industry. Renowned for their fluid animation and groundbreaking storytelling, MAPPA's notable works include the critically acclaimed "Attack on Titan: The Final Season," captivating audiences with their visual prowess and gripping narratives.
DreamWorks Animation Studio
Founded in 1994 by industry titans Jeffery Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, and David Geffen, this celebrated studio has brought to life a diverse range of cinematic wonders. From the uproarious comedy of "Shrek" to the heartfelt drama of "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron," DreamWorks' portfolio showcases an exceptional blend of captivating storytelling that has resonated with audiences worldwide.